Juliet Styles
Juliet studied Writing, Directing and Performance at the University of York. After moving to London she started teaching drama at Afghan Association Paiwand’s supplementary school and continued to facilitate and volunteer on their youth and housing projects. She started as a venue technician at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2012, and subsequently worked as venue manager for the next 3 years. She then spent 5 years working in Arts Education and Participation in London. During this time she co-ordinated the international learning and participation work for Frantic Assembly, and project managed their national training programme for young men, Ignition. Following this, she was the Education and Pathways Manager at Kiln Theatre, a role that included overseeing the Minding the Gap participatory arts project with recently arrived refugee and migrant youth.
Juliet is the producer and co-artistic director of Phosphoros Theatre, having produced the national tours of Pizza Shop Heroes and All the beds I have slept in. As well as supporting the production of Community Engagement projects and leading on fundraising for the organisation. She is the creative lead on our Phosphoros Sisters project.