Sara Zeus
Young Company Facilitator
Sara Zeus is an emerging writer, performer and workshop leader living in London. She joined Phosphoros Young Company in 2020 and took part in our weekly online workshops during the pandemic. Sara then became a founding member of Phosphoros Sisters in 2021, and worked as a collaborator and workshop leader with the Sisters in 2022. After taking part in our workshop facilitation programme Sara regularly co-delivers workshops with us in colleges and youth groups. In 2021 she worked alongside director Pavlos Christodoulou as assistant collaborator for the R&D of our production ‘Tender’, which she will also be performing in in 2024. In 2022 she worked with us as an assistant on the National Theatre’s ‘Space to Create’ performance project for young people. In 2023 she joined our Young Company team as an assistant facilitator. Outside of Phosphoros Sara has taken part in other theatre projects, including co-developing a new show with Little Angel Theatre exploring migration experiences called The Welcome Project, which toured around children’s centres in 2023. She is studying Level 3 Performance and Production Arts at college and develops her own writing in her spare time.