refugee youth groups/ESOL classes workshops
We have seen how much drama can impact confidence, self-esteem, commitment and integration in groups of refugee youth. Our drama workshops aimed at refugee or ESOL groups use performance skills like storytelling, comedy, creative writing and role-play to explore ideas of power, arriving in a new place, friendship and life in the UK. Everyone is given space to speak out loud, and we use music, pictures and movement to ensure the content is accessible, including for pre-entry ESOL learners. In one-off workshops we do not explore personal experiences of forced migration, though often our participants choose to share parts of their own story.
We have led workshops for a variety of groups, including ESOL classes in colleges, refugee youth clubs and Local Authority children’s services. Having our colleagues and trainees with lived experience as leaders is inspiring, inclusive and validating for their younger peers, especially those who came to the UK unaccompanied.
“Thank you for coming and running a fantastic day with the students! It was as much an experience for me as it was them. It was great to see and hear them discussing all of the issues we as teachers have tried to avoid”
Here is what some of our refugee youth participants have said:
‘I haven’t tried drama before but I liked it. I felt like I wanted to use acting to tell my story too! Today I felt powerful!’
‘I liked making some stories about me, and listening to Syed’s story about him’
‘I liked thinking about how powerful I felt on my first day of college’
‘I learnt how to talk in front of others and debate with friends’
We are based in London but able to travel around the UK. Please get in touch for a quote.